Friday, February 26, 2010

Gun Laws

Gun laws in America are killing innocent people. A way that the government tried to prevent this was the Brady Bill. It makes it so when you want to buy a gun you have to wait five days before you get it. This way if your ticked off at someone in five days you won't be as angry when you wanted to buy the gun. I think that when you buy a gun you should have to sign a contract that says you won't shoot anyone and have to buy a gun safe so no one can steal it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Top 10 Favorite Websites

These are the top 10 websites that I visit the most.
I love my blog and my friends blogs.
I like watching videos.
I love the games but it can give your computer a virus.
I like finding really good deals on stuff I usually can't afford.
I send my friends emails.
This is were I buy my music.
I love looking at stuff I can't afford.
This is were look at my grades.
This is where I find my awesome car pictures.
I love flight simulator!

Monday, February 22, 2010

When animals attack

They always say it's hard to hit a squirrel in a car. Well this one is easy to hit. I made it in Photoshop.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

2011 camaro

This is a picture of a 2011 Camaro. It's a very nice car. I rounded the edges in Photoshop.

Criminal Master Mind

This is my brother in law. He is a criminal master mind. I was forced to blur out his face in Photoshop so he is unable to be recognized. His master plan is to set the sun on fire.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Presidents day weekend

This weekend I went to a youth conference in the mountains. It was fantastic and tiring. It was four days long and four hours away. The first day I had to leave school early, when we got there my legs were so numb it felt like they were going to fall off. The dinner that day was marvelous it was chicken with melted cheese on top. The second day we ate breakfast which was french toast. Then we had bunch of free time to run around, play pool, ping pong, and basketball. After that we had a session which was about church stuff. Then as soon as it ended my friends and I went into the heated pool (the time was 10:00 O'clock) it was freezing cold. Then we went to sleep which was extremely uncomfortable. The next day some of the people went skiing for other people it was a free day. That night we had a pillow fight which ended badly. I had busted veins. Then the next day we went home.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Fireworks ablaze! This is another picture I made in Photoshop. It was fairly easy to make.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wind Effect

This is a picture I made in Photoshop.
I used the wind effect. This is an amazing picture!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Super Power

If I had one super power it would to be invulnerable. Invulnerability is the power to never feel pain, I can still die I just won't get hurt. It's almost like invincibility but you die of old age. If I were invulnerable I would join the army and never get hurt. I could stay in the army for many years. I could kill many enemies and win many wars.